The Risk of Falls and How Hearing Aids Can Help

The Risk of Falls and How Hearing Aids Can Help

When you’re a youngster, falling is simply a part of life. Taking a tumble on your bicycle? Not unusual. Getting tripped up when running across the yard. Happens every day. It’s not really a worry because, well, kids are kind of limber. They don’t typically stay down for very long. As you get older though, […]

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Hearing Aids: What Users Actually Think, and Why You Should Care

Most people are happy with their hearing aids: As reported by one recent survey, when talking one-on-one, 91% of people who use hearing aids are pleased with their experience. When talking about specific activities, 85% were satisfied in a group setting and watching TV, 78% while in the store, and 75% in a restaurant or […]

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Vacationing With Hearing Loss: Your Guide to a Safe, Enjoyable Trip!

There are two kinds of vacations, right? There’s the type where you cram every single activity you can into every single second. This type will leave you more tired than when you left but all of the fun will be remembered for years to come. The other kind is all about unwinding. You might not […]

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Can I Use my Glasses And Hearing Aids Together?

Can I Use my Glasses And Hearing Aids Together?

You’ve probably noticed that when movies or television shows get really intense, they start using close-ups (possibly even extreme close-ups). That’s because the human face communicates a lot of information (more information than you’re probably consciously aware of). To say that human beings are really facially centered is, well, not a stretch. So having all […]

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How Long Should my Hearing Aids Last?

How Long Should my Hearing Aids Last?

Once you get used to your hearing aid, it’s hard to be without it. Your hearing aids are, after all, your link to the world around you. But it will periodically need to be upgraded or replaced just like all technology. A hearing aid’s typical lifespan From 3 to 7 years will be the normal […]

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Summertime is Hearing Aid Time!

Summertime is Hearing Aid Time!

Have you ever slept with your bedroom window open and awoke to the beautiful sound of birds singing as the sun is coming up? Most people probably aren’t even aware that the name for those bird-songs is the “dawn chorus”. For whatever reason, birds see the sun coming up and decide to start singing their […]

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How to Get The Most Out of Your Hearing Aids

How to Get The Most Out of Your Hearing Aids

If you aren’t really rich, a car really isn’t an impulse purchase. So a great deal of research is most likely the first thing you do. You take a good look at things like gas mileage, price point, and customer reviews. (You’re on Google a lot.) It makes sense to do this amount of research. […]

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Over the Counter Hearing Aids: Are You Taking a Risk?

Remember when you used to be able to get those gallon buckets of ice cream at the supermarket? As a kid, they were awesome because they promised a whole gallon of ice cream, that’s a lot of frozen custard and high-fructose corn syrup! But as you get older, you begin to get a bit more […]

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Do I Need to Have my Hearing Aid Repaired Professionally?

You go above and beyond to ensure your hearing aids are well taken care of. When you go to sleep, you always put them comfortably on the charger and you clean them every day. But you get pretty distressed when your hearing aids suddenly stop working the way they did once. Thankfully, there are some […]

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When is it Time to Get an Upgraded Hearing Aid?

When is it Time to Get an Upgraded Hearing Aid?

While it could be true that older hearing aids are better than no hearing aids, chances are what small advantage you get from them comes at a cost. Within the last few years, hearing aid technology has made considerable progress. A decade ago many of the features of current hearing aids weren’t even on the […]

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Enhanced Hearing Center

Springfield, MO

3829 South Campbell AvenueSpringfield, MO 65807

Call or Text: 417-323-6180

Monday through Friday
9am – 4pm

Springfield, MO Google Business Profile

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