New Beginnings Sound Sweet!

A senior woman embracing her granddaughter and laughing. They are wearing casual clothing and are sitting in a garden at a baby shower.

You’ve watched the videos on TikTok. Babies hearing the voice of their mother for the first time after getting a hearing aid. Sometimes, at first, the baby is resistant. They fight when the doctor attempts to place the device in their ear. Before they smile with delight, they may cry a bit. A range of emotions envelopes them. They don’t know what to expect. But in the end, with restored hearing, the world suddenly opens up for them. These videos can even cause joyful tears for people watching them.

But this life-changing moment could occur for anybody.

You’re not alone if you’re feeling anxious about getting hearing aids. If you’re feeling somewhat apprehensive about this process it doesn’t indicate that you’re a baby.
When people of any age experience hearing aids they might cry tears of joy, let’s discover why.

The sweet sound of music

Perhaps you didn’t even know. It progressed so gradually. You stopped listening to music. It just doesn’t seem as enjoyable anymore. It even annoys you sometimes. Turning it up makes it even worse.

Hearing loss doesn’t just impact the volume of sound. It impacts how you hear different tones and notes.
Music is composed of notes of sound that mix together and travel as waves that are then picked up by your ears. If you can’t hear the splendid complexity of music, it just isn’t the same.

When you use your hearing aid, suddenly you can hear those once-missing notes. Music once again comes to life! It was once a wonderful pleasure in your life and now you have it back.

The laughter of a child

Do you recollect the sound of a child laughing? If you’ve been hesitant to use your hearing aid, you might have forgotten how beautiful this experience can be. Restore your hearing and rediscover these magical moments with your grandchildren.

Relationships restored

Relationships can be substantially strained by untreated hearing loss. People get frustrated. It can often lead to more arguing. It can even cause a person with hearing loss to seclude themselves, so they don’t feel like a burden.

They might avoid social clubs or dinner out because they feel alone and disconnected while others are chatting.

Have you given up hobbies because they’re not as enjoyable?

Your relationships with your kids, friends, and your partner will have new life breathed into them when you get your hearing back.
Learn to talk to each other again. Converse long into the night. Do all of the things you enjoy with the people you love.

It’s time to think about hearing aids if you’re missing these things in your life.

You feel more secure at home

Are you concerned that you could be missing significant safety sounds? Would you be able to hear the voice of a hurt loved one yelling to you from the other room? Would you hear the doorbell, oven timer, or smoke detector? Could you miss an important phone call because you didn’t even hear it ring?

When you walk through the neighborhood, are you sure that you’ll hear approaching traffic, pedestrian signals, or a bicycle bell?

These “what if’s” can make us feel unsafe in places where we should feel completely comfortable. But when you use your hearing aid, you can be more confident, and enjoy life to its fullest. You’ll find peace of mind.

Whatever you’re missing, you might not even realize it

Just like the babies who’ve never heard their mother’s voices, you may not realize what you’re missing. Hearing loss advances slowly in most situations. You might simply forget the joy of things you no longer hear.

When you can suddenly hear again, you’ll be surprised. You’ll wish you dealt with it sooner. Think your hearing loss isn’t that bad? Contact us today to schedule a hearing test and find out what you’ve been missing.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


    Enhanced Hearing Center

    Springfield, MO

    3829 South Campbell AvenueSpringfield, MO 65807

    Call or Text: 417-323-6180

    Monday through Friday
    9am – 4pm

    Springfield, MO Google Business Profile

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